About us

Water and Whimsy Co is my passionate hobby turned into a business. My name is Annelise and I am 31 years old from New Orleans. I live and work in Los Angeles these days.

In 2020 when I, like many of you, was laid off to quarantine at home, I was scared and unsure about the future until I realized I was given a unique opportunity with the time to begin working on something I had always wanted to do.

I’ve always loved and wanted to make watercolor paints to use myself. What began as a fun treat for myself grew into an obsession and an ambition. I became deeply entranced with the process of making watercolor paints and went through many trials and errors as I perfected my recipe and found the best ingredient sources. My obsession grew as the mulling process proved soothing, relaxing, and meditative. Before I knew it, I had way too many paints for me to ever use! There was only one thing to do with them all:

Share with everyone!

The pandemic was quick to arrive, and slow to wane out, but my return to work was as sudden as it was to end. It’s taken quite some time balancing a full time job and acquiring resources slowly pay-check to pay-check to make a small business grow during my after hours free time all by myself, (with the support and help of friends, family, two specific cats, and my amazing partner, Stephen, of course!). But all of that slow methodical work is finally paying off.

I am bursting at the seams with pride to show you what I’ve created and share it with as many people as possible. If you’re on my site, and you’ve read this far, I can’t thank you enough for your time and presence. That alone means everything to me. <3